Information on February 2018 Operation Consultation Group

Chat support tool for chat bot, ChatPlus has exceeded 1,800 introduction results.
We are a leading company that creates success every day in the area of user support and marketing using chat and chat bot.

The operation consultation meeting is for those who are considering ChatPlus, those who are already introducing ChatPlus and want to make better use, as well as those who want to use a higher level of method using the chatbot function.
Our staff will hear about your problem and what you want to achieve and propose concrete solutions.

Date and time

  • February 1(Thu)11:00、12:00、13:00、14:00、15:00、16:00、17:00
  • February 13(Tue)11:00、12:00、13:00、14:00、15:00、16:00、17:00
  • February 15(Thu)11:00、12:00、13:00、14:00、15:00、16:00、17:00
  • February 20(Tue)11:00、12:00、13:00、14:00、15:00、16:00、17:00
  • February 22(Thu)11:00、12:00、13:00、14:00、15:00、16:00、17:00
  • February 27(Tue)11:00、12:00、13:00、14:00、15:00、16:00、17:00


  • Those who engage in web marketing (BtoB、BtoC)
  • Those who would like to increase inquiries on the homepage (BtoB、BtoC)
  • Those who want to improve efficiency (BtoB、BtoC)
  • Those who engage in EC site management (BtoB、BtoC)
  • Those who engage in application development and operation (BtoB、BtoC)
  • Those who want to save labor in call center operations (BtoB、BtoC)
  • Those who provide web related solutions (BtoB、BtoC)
  • Those who engage in web related proposals and advertising agency business (BtoB、BtoC)


Kyobashi Edogran 3F SENQ Kyobashi (Chat Plus Head Office)

There is a possibility that your seat will be filled up soon.
Those who wish to participate, please apply as soon as possible.
Please be sure to cancel processing if something would have suddenly come up after applying  and could not come.

About application

Please apply from the following date and time.

There is a possibility that your seat will be filled up soon.
Those who wish to participate, please apply as soon as possible.
Please be sure to cancel processing if something would have suddenly come up after applying  and could not come.

Notification of the latest information seminar for chat bot

February 20 (Tue) 15: 30 ~ We will hold the latest information seminar at the venue.
In the seminar we will inform you of the reasons for gathering attention for chatting and chat bots, the market trends and future prospects, the points for effectively introducing, and the latest application information.

Please confirm here about the chat bot seminar.

  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加

無料E BooK:70%の問合せにチャットボットで自動応答し


  • 何を出来るかわからない
  • 自分に必要かわからない
  • 導入方法がわからない
  • 成果が上がるかわからない


このE Bookには、我々が数多くのサイトを活性化するうえで見つけた

  • チャットサポートシステムの利点
  • チャットサポートの体制
  • チャットボットの設計方法
  • 顧客満足度を高めるチャット術


