January 21 (Thu) AI Chatbot Seminar × IBM Watson [Online version]

With the spread of COVID-19, customer support, marketing, and back office operations are being automated by AI chatbot. According to Accenture, it predicts that incorporating AI into various business processes to improve efficiency will have the effect of more than doubling Japan's GDP in 2035 and creating new value of about $2.1 trillion.

The number of chat support system "ChatPlus" provided by the company has more than tripled since April of 2020. In addition to routine tasks such as responding to inquiries, we are working to build communication that does not involve people by supporting various paperwork and workflow automation.

ChatPlus is currently the most sophisticated chat system in the world, and depending on the customer's application, there are various types such as manned chat, optional chatbot, automatic response to natural language using AI, external system cooperation, etc. and you can do various settings and cooperations.

In this seminar, we will specialize in the use of AI chatbots in collaboration with IBM Watson, and introduce the environment surrounding AI, the reasons why it is attracting attention, and the overwhelming superiority of our chat support system.

Seminar content (Scheduled)

Part 1: AI Chatbot Seminar

・Chat utilization status with COVID-19
・Why AI chatbots are attracting attention now
・How to use AI chatbots that will be required in the future
Lecturer: Yoshihito Nishida (CEO, ChatPlus Co., Ltd.)

Part 2: ChatPlus AI chatbot demo

・How to connect with IBM Watson
・ChatPlus operation demo
・7 points for successful operation
Lecturer: Tohei Miura (ChatPlus Co., Ltd. Chief Sales Director)

Date and time



Those who:
●Want to know about chat system and chat support
●Want to use chat to increase inquiries and conversions
●Receives many inquiries and are considering reducing support costs
●Want to reduce costs by changing phone support system to chat support system
●Want to use chat to increase customer satisfaction
●Want to streamline inquiries within the company and seek self-solving for employees
●Want to use chat for lead nurturing
●Want to reduce support costs by introducing AI
●Have installed AI of other companies but failed without learning and with high costs
●Have installed chatbots of other companies, but think that it is ridiculous to pay such high costs even though it has become a rut and there are no improvement point
●Want to improve interface by making the in-house workflow interactive
●Are considering using ChatPlus from now on
●Are currently using ChatPlus and want to use it further



How to apply

Seminars are pre-registered only. Please register from the following.
After registration, we will inform you of the participation URL by the start date.

※Seminars will be conducted using Zoom. You can test the connection from the following, so please check in advance.

  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加

無料E BooK:70%の問合せにチャットボットで自動応答し


  • 何を出来るかわからない
  • 自分に必要かわからない
  • 導入方法がわからない
  • 成果が上がるかわからない


このE Bookには、我々が数多くのサイトを活性化するうえで見つけた

  • チャットサポートシステムの利点
  • チャットサポートの体制
  • チャットボットの設計方法
  • 顧客満足度を高めるチャット術


