Have you noticed that some EC site have chat inquiry window? From the bottom right of the screen, a pop-up will display an announcement such as "Please contact us by chat if you have any questions", and you can inquire by chat with clicking.
Currently, many EC sites are advancing the introduction of chat. It is because you can expect the following effects if you introduce chat.
・Sales increase by 30%
・Support cost can be reduced by 70%
・Customer satisfaction increases to 90%
This time, I will explain why this kind of effect can be obtained by installing chat at EC site.
If you are an EC site operator, be sure to read it. If you read and execute what you learn from this article, your EC site will grow dramatically.
Encourage customers
First, let's consider a customer journey up to conversions when we regard purchasing as a conversion.
①Cognition:Visit the EC site from advertisement and media and find out service
②Consideration:Move around the EC site and consider
Ad networks and SEO countermeasures are measures for "① recognition". We will do it to increase the number of inflowing people.
However, considering from the user's point of view, the user takes the longest time at "consideration of ②". Whether this product is suitable for me, whether I can use the way I imagined, whether shipping costs will be applied, when will it arrive, etc. Customers think about various things and decide whether to purchase.
In such cases, users with enthusiasm will make inquiries by telephone, etc. and eliminate unknown points. However, most users will not do so.
The current Internet users do not read much characters, and as soon as they face uneasiness, they leave. According to Nielsen 's survey, 90% of the users who visited the web site are withdrawing within 30 seconds.
If you have chat, visitors can feel free to contact us when they feel uneasy. Also, by returning the response in real time to the user's inquiry, you can encourage users and lead to conversions.
Use the principle of returnability
When a human being gets something from someone, he will be in a psychological state in which he think "I have to return something".
It is the same in the BtoC service.
For example, how do you feel when you do not have the size suitable for yourself at a clothing shop in the town, and asked the staff to get it from the backyard?
Most people will feel "sorry" and tend to buy it.
This principle also applies on the Internet.
If customers have something they want to know on the EC site, and if you can give them answers right away via chat, the relationship will be built and the chances of conversion definitely rise.
According to BoldChat's survey, the customer satisfaction with chat has improved to 90%, and 31% users who have solved doubts and anxiety using chat are going to convert.
Automatic correspondence with chat bot
However, the number of users visiting the website is huge. In general, user support is operated with the minimum necessary resources, so it is not realistic to provide great support to all visitors.
However, with our ChatPlus, you can automate user support by using the chat bot function. 70% of inquiries on general EC site are inquiries "I can not log in", "I want to know the delivery date", "I want to cancel".
They can solve by chat bot function (which is the function of ChatPlus) or automatic response by cooperating with external API.
ChatPlus also allows you to voice from the EC site, depending on the number of visit, the length of stay, and the conditions to talk on each stay page.
Difference from LINE and Facebook Messenger
Now, you can also do chat-based user support with LINE Business Connect, LINE @, Facebook Messenger etc. However, ChatPlus has advantages over these communication tools in the following points.
When contacting companies with LINE or Facebook Messenger, users need those accounts. Then, users are conscious of "identifying their identities." Although information obtained from LINE and Facebook is limited, it is not a pleasant thing from the user's perspective
In BtoC communication, you have to care about anonymity.
For example, do you inquire about complex goods such as diet and hair growth with LINE or Facebook Messenger?
This is not limited to complex products only. Generally, in BtoC communication, users do not feel free to make inquiries without being anonymous.
With ChatPlus, you can make inquiries on the web without using LINE or Facebook accounts. Since it is in a state where anonymity can be guaranteed, it is easier for users to inquire.
②Purposes are different
Basically LINE and Facebook Messenger are communication tools between users. Therefore, users do not have the idea to use them for communication with the company.
For example, when a company sets up an official account of LINE, they have to run promotions in most cases
That is to distribute free stamps. The user chooses to connect with the company's account in exchange for a free stamp. Otherwise the user does not want to connect with the company with LINE.
What we need for EC site is inquiries from browsers. For this reason, ChatPlus, which enables users to interact when they want it, is an effective tool.
Chat will be the communication infrastructure
LINE was released in 2011. In the next few years, our communication, which was centering on telephone and mail, became completely different.
Even without knowing each other's phone number and mail address, I know the ID of LINE, such connection between users became commonplace.
There are also LINE proprietary specifications and functions, marketing method and others as LINE spread factors, but the biggest background is that "users wanted chat".
Contents gathered by users on the Internet are transitioning from blogs with a large number of characters to 140 characters twitter, and now Instagrams that do not even use characters.
According to "Public opinion poll on Japanese language" by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, 47% over 16 years old do not read even one book a month at the present. It seems natural that the user wanted a chat that can communicate in a short sentence.
In addition, tools such as ChatWork and Slack are now commonly used as business chat tool now. Because it targets business use, there are also unique functions that are not found in LINE such as "task management" and "file sharing".
Due to the stress caused by the mixture of private and business, it is understandable that people prefer to use LINE in private and ChatWork in business . It is expected that a business chat tool changes communication in the future work like LINE did in daily life.
And ChatPlus can change the communication between companies and users who visited websites.
In the marketing industry in recent years, new measures have been born and disappeared one after another as technology evolves. For example, SEO measures that took the world by storm have now become nearly worthless due to Google's update. We do not know how the measures that are currently thought to be effective will be in the next few years.
But chat is different. It can be the same infrastructure for communication as the phone and mail.
Especially at overseas EC sites, communication by chat is considered as natural. For example, chat is used in more than 80% of EC sites in China.
Also, startups such as Operator in Silicon Valley in the US and Layer from India have appeared, offering EC services that allow payment from chat UI.
How was it? You must have understood why sales increase by setting chat on your site. This article will help you to grow your EC site.
Even in Japan, it seems that the movement to utilize chat to the EC site is accelerating, and after several years it is supposed to have chat at any EC site.
In the competitive EC industry, introduction of chat is necessary.
Please consider introducing ChatPlus by referring to this article.