Footer overlaps Eye・Catcher

Depending on the site's design, title bar and Eye・Catcher might overlap with footer. By deleting the title bar and change the place of the Eye・Catcher, you can avoid this problem.

This function can only be done above Business Light Plan. It cannot be used with Minimum Plan.

It can be set as these procedure below

(1)Click the setting button on the upper right of the management page.

(2)Click [Chat]>[Design]>[Menu] on the left side of the screen.

(3)Click [Stand by] tab.

(4)Click [Detailed setting]

(5)Click and choose how you want to display it from the pull down.
※You can set for each PC version and Smartphone version.

(6)Enter numbers in width and height boxes to set how far you want it to place from the bottom of the screen, and not to overlap with any design on the site.
※You can set for each PC version and Smartphone version.

(7)If you want to delete the title bar, check in the box "Delete title bar".
If you want to delete the title bar, check in both "Use Eye・Catcher" and "Always Display".

(8)Click [Update]