Here, it explains how to induct ChatPlus in CMS HubSpot
Copy Chat window code
(1)Log into ChatPlus and click the setting button on the upper right of the management page.
(2)Click [General setting]>[Chat window] on the left side of the screen.
(3)Copy tags within the red box in "Chat window".
Induction to CMS HubSpot
(1)Log into CMS HubSpot
(2)Click [Marketing]>[Web site]>[Web site page]
(3) Click [Edit] of the page you want to induct ChatPlus.
(4)Click [Setting]>[Detailed option]
(5)Paste the code you copied in the box "Footer HTML" in the section "Code snippet", and click [Save] at the top left of the screen.
(6)Click [Preview]>[Open in new window], and check if it is displayed.