What are the features of Business Light Plan?

ChatPlus's Business Light Plan can be used by 9,800 yen/month.
By using Business Light Plan, you can accelerate and make the change to your business.

Effect Business Light Plan has

Business Light Plan can solve your request of

・Just wanting to install chat window
・Wanting to manage inquiry mails as ticket and increase customer satisfaction
・Wanting to increase sales and number of inquiries
・Wanting to save all the inquiry history
・Wanting to know where the visitor came from
・Wanting to expand marketing not the mail magazine
・Wanting to acquire names and email address of customers who did not make inquiries or bought anything, but had a little interest

By just installing chat window, you can increase number of inquiries by average of 30%.
You can own the chat window by just 9,800 yen/month, so it has a great cost performance.
If your company is utilizing mail magazine, SFA, or shopping cart,
you can link with those systems and acquire information of visitors in the homepage.
If your company is operating as B to B, or working closely with people,
you often send emails to people who exchanged business card before or people who is on the list of customers.
When doing that, you can link ChatPlus to the mail magazine, cards, or file download, and you can you can tie up customer's device information.

For example,

・Exchanged business cards before
・Visiting homepage after period of time
・Migrating over 3 pages
・Staying in the page over a minute

for those above, they have interest in your service.
With Business Light Plan, you can know thoroughly when these people visited your site, and talk to them accordingly.

who is recommended to have Business Light Plan?

Business Light Plan is suitable for

・company who has inquiries to homepage that counts over 1 million yen monthly.
・company who are urging to register for membership
・company who is operating EC site and monthly sales is over 1 million yen
・company operating web service as B to B inbound
・company who is paying over 200,000 yen/month for customer support
・web service that supported by multiple people and has over 10 cases of inquiries

Check other plans
AI chatbot plan
Premium Plan
Business Plan
Minimum Plan


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