What are the features of Minimum Plan?

ChatPlus's Minimum Plan can be used by 1,500 yen/month, and it is the most reasonable plan in our service.

Minimum Plan can solve your request of

・Just wanting to install chat window
・Wanting to show customers you are legit

By just installing chat window, you can increase number of inquiries by average of 30%.
You can own the chat window by just 1,500 yen/month, so it has a great cost performance, and it is suitable for people who just want to install chat window to your homepage for the sake of putting it.

Who is recommended to have Minimum Plan?

Minimum Plan is suitable for

・people who just want to start minimally
・EC site comparatively small with monthly sales of under half a million
・people who has homepage for NPO, clubs, individual, like these for hobby, and not utilizing chat as much
・web service company who has few cases of inquiries monthly

like these above, it is suitable for people who just want to have chat window for their home page.

AI chatbot plan
Premium Plan
Business Plan
Business Light Plan


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