User Attribute Setting

Here, it explains how to set User Attributes.

What is User Attribute?

Information like Name, Phone number, Email address which is related to a user is called [Attribute]. By setting attribute to each user, it can be useful for user analysis.

Various setting method

Invocation of the set User Attribute in this page can be done in the Chat with users. For more information, please refer to
Invoke User Attribute

Add to User Attribute the entered contents in the text form.

When you select [Text form] from the action pull down in [Chat bot+], by entering a certain word in a text form, you can edit applicable user information.
There are 3 methods to update User Attribute by using a text form.

Select [Text form] from the action pull down in [Chat bot+]
■ By using「Attribute
■ By using「Ticket」and check in "Update User Attribute".
■ By using「Email」and check in "Update User Attribute".

Use [Attribute]

Here, it explains how to set using [Text form]>[Attribute].
(1)Click the setting button on the upper right of the management page.

(2)Click [Chat]>[Function]>[Chat bot+] on the left side of the screen.

(3)Click [Add parts]

(4)Enter "Part's name" and "Detail"
※Leave the box at the top right "ID" empty, it will automatically be filled when Chat bot+ is created.

(5)In the section "Action", click [Text form] from the pull down.

(6)Click [Attribute] from the pull down.

(7)Click [Add form elements]

(8)Click [Text form] and enter in boxes.
※Check in the box "Required" then the content will be required to fill.

(9)Click [Update]

Depending on the word you put in the box "Text form", the update point of the user information will be changed.

Manage Information Tab

■perhapsName:[Name] will be edited.
■perhapsCompanyName:[Company Name] will be edited.
■perhapsTel:[Phone Number] will be edited.
■perhapsEmail:[Email Address] will be edited.
※If you create a new form element which is not in the system, it will be added as an original attribute under [Phone Number] in the "Manage Information Tab".

Chat Tab

■chatName:[Name] will be edited.
■chatCompanyName:[Company Name] will be edited.
■chatTel:[Phone Number] will be edited.
■chatEmail:[Email Address] will be edited.

Lead Tab

■name:[Name] will be edited.
■companyName:[Company Name] will be edited.
■tel:[Phone Number] will be edited.
■email:[Email Address] will be edited.

Entered contents in the text form will be reflected in the User Attribute.
※Screen displayed to users
※User Detailed Screen which the attribute is reflected.

Use [Add attributes to users] in Chat bot+ action.

Select [Add attributes to users] in Chat bot+ action, and by combining rules, you can add attributes to user information. 
(1)Click the setting button on the upper right of the management page.

(2)Click [Chat]>[Function]>[Chat bot+] on the left side of the screen.

(3)Click [Add parts]

(4)Enter "Part's name" and "Detail"
※Leave the box at the top right "ID" empty, it will automatically be filled when Chat bot+ is created.

(5)In the section "Rule", click [Add rules]

(6)In the section "Display Rule" appeared in (5), click [User's remark] from the first pull down, enter text in the text area below, and click [Match] from the third pull down.
※The conditions set in here will be the condition to add attribute to users.

(7)In the section "Action", click [Add attribute to users].

(8)Enter "Attribute's Name" and "Content" in boxes below.

If the conditions are all met (which was set in (6)), the content will be added to [Manage Information Tab] in the User Attribute.

(9)Click [Update]

Manual set from User Detail Screen.

(1) Click "User" at the top of the screen.

(2)Click an user you want to edit from the User Screen.

(3)Click [Edit] above the user icon.

(4)Manually update attributes in Manage Information Tab.

Click [Add items], and you can add attributes.

(5)Click [Update]  


By using User Edit API, you can add user information that you own to attribute.

  • Add user information logged in in your system to ChatPlus attribute
  • Add user information visited from Mail Magazines' link to ChatPlus attribute

can be done.
For more information, please refer to