Here, it explains how to set User Attributes.
What is User Attribute?
Information like Name, Phone number, Email address which is related to a user is called [Attribute]. By setting attribute to each user, it can be useful for user analysis.
Various setting method
■Use [Add attributes to users] in Chat bot+ action.
■Manual set from User Detail Screen.
■Use API
Invoke User Attribute
Add to User Attribute the entered contents in the text form.
When you select [Text form] from the action pull down in [Chat bot+], by entering a certain word in a text form, you can edit applicable user information.
There are 3 methods to update User Attribute by using a text form.
■ By using「Attribute」
■ By using「Ticket」and check in "Update User Attribute".
■ By using「Email」and check in "Update User Attribute".
Use [Attribute]
Here, it explains how to set using [Text form]>[Attribute].
(1)Click the setting button on the upper right of the management page.
(2)Click [Chat]>[Function]>[Chat bot+] on the left side of the screen.
(3)Click [Add parts]
(4)Enter "Part's name" and "Detail"
※Leave the box at the top right "ID" empty, it will automatically be filled when Chat bot+ is created.
(5)In the section "Action", click [Text form] from the pull down.
(6)Click [Attribute] from the pull down.
(7)Click [Add form elements]
(8)Click [Text form] and enter in boxes.
※Check in the box "Required" then the content will be required to fill.
(9)Click [Update]
Manage Information Tab
■perhapsName:[Name] will be edited.
■perhapsCompanyName:[Company Name] will be edited.
■perhapsTel:[Phone Number] will be edited.
■perhapsEmail:[Email Address] will be edited.
※If you create a new form element which is not in the system, it will be added as an original attribute under [Phone Number] in the "Manage Information Tab".
Chat Tab
■chatName:[Name] will be edited.
■chatCompanyName:[Company Name] will be edited.
■chatTel:[Phone Number] will be edited.
■chatEmail:[Email Address] will be edited.
Lead Tab
■name:[Name] will be edited.
■companyName:[Company Name] will be edited.
■tel:[Phone Number] will be edited.
■email:[Email Address] will be edited.
※Screen displayed to users
Use [Add attributes to users] in Chat bot+ action.
Select [Add attributes to users] in Chat bot+ action, and by combining rules, you can add attributes to user information.
(1)Click the setting button on the upper right of the management page.
(2)Click [Chat]>[Function]>[Chat bot+] on the left side of the screen.
(3)Click [Add parts]
(4)Enter "Part's name" and "Detail"
※Leave the box at the top right "ID" empty, it will automatically be filled when Chat bot+ is created.
(5)In the section "Rule", click [Add rules]
(6)In the section "Display Rule" appeared in (5), click [User's remark] from the first pull down, enter text in the text area below, and click [Match] from the third pull down.
※The conditions set in here will be the condition to add attribute to users.
(7)In the section "Action", click [Add attribute to users].
(8)Enter "Attribute's Name" and "Content" in boxes below.
(9)Click [Update]
Manual set from User Detail Screen.
(1) Click "User" at the top of the screen.
(2)Click an user you want to edit from the User Screen.
(3)Click [Edit] above the user icon.
(4)Manually update attributes in Manage Information Tab.
(5)Click [Update]
By using User Edit API, you can add user information that you own to attribute.
- Add user information logged in in your system to ChatPlus attribute
- Add user information visited from Mail Magazines' link to ChatPlus attribute
can be done.
For more information, please refer to