Induct ChatPlus to Wix

Here, it explains how to induct ChatPlus to Wix.

Installation of ChatPlus can only be done above Minimum plan, and Wix can be done from free plan. Specification of Wix can be changed, so please be mindful of that.

Create Chat button

(1) Click the setting button on the upper right of the management page.

(2)Click [General setting]>[Chat button] on the left side of the page.

(3)Click [+Add Chat button]

(4)Choose the button you like.

The template of buttons will be shown in the gallery, so please choose the one you like.

(5)Select a button image and click [Register]
If you click [Register], the button will be created and the code to display that button will be shown, so copy that.

Induction to Wix

(1)Log into Wix

(2)Click [Simple Action]>[Edit site]

(3) Click [Add]>[Others]>[HTML iframe]

(3)Click [Enter code]

(5) Paste the code you copied and click [Apply]

(6) Place the button to wherever you want.

(7) Check to see if the chat is displayed in the [Preview].


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