Induct ChatPlus to Cybozu office

Here, it explains how to induct ChatPlus to Cybozu Office.

Copy chat window code

(1)Click the setting button on the upper right of the management page.

(2)Click [General setting]>[Chat Window] on the left side of the screen.

(3)Copy the tag between [<scrpt>][</script>].

Create JavaScript file

(1)Open text editor like sticky notes and paste the code you copied in [Copy chat window code] (3).

(2)Save extension as「.js」.

Induct to Cybozu Office

(1)Log into Cybozu Office

(2)Click [Setting mark]>[Setting of the Cybozu office system]

(3)Click「Setting of JavaScript file」

(4)Click [Choose file] and choose the file you created in「Create JavaScript file」.

(5)Click [Set]

(6)Access site and check to see if the chat is displayed.