Here, it explains how to induct ChatPlus to Cybozu Office.
Copy chat window code
(1)Click the setting button on the upper right of the management page.
(2)Click [General setting]>[Chat Window] on the left side of the screen.
(3)Copy the tag between [<scrpt>][</script>].
Create JavaScript file
(1)Open text editor like sticky notes and paste the code you copied in [Copy chat window code] (3).
(2)Save extension as「.js」.
Induct to Cybozu Office
(1)Log into Cybozu Office
(2)Click [Setting mark]>[Setting of the Cybozu office system]
(3)Click「Setting of JavaScript file」
(4)Click [Choose file] and choose the file you created in「Create JavaScript file」.
(5)Click [Set]
(6)Access site and check to see if the chat is displayed.